Sunday 29 July 2007

Busy times

Well, blogging was fairly difficult this week between all that we were doing and trying to read the new Harry Potter book! Went to the Zoo on Wednesday as already documented (I was not trying to imply that those parents were negligent just that I wasn't!!), then Thursday had Mum and the girls over for some food while Lee was out with his work colleagues. I had such great plans for that night, I was going to do lots of finger food type things and just have that instead of a full meal. It partially worked, I had the chicken wings and the salsa and chilli butter already done so that was just a matter of putting wings in the oven ad warming some bread but that was as far as I got!! No quesadillas, no skins, all because Eoin cried most of the evening. He calmed down for a while but then started again worse than before. At this stage I was getting worried because he never cries like that, it was a different cry to his usual cries and he seemed to be in pain, so I thought I would see if I could get the doctor. Our GP is brilliant, his practice is from his house and he always says if his car is there he is there and to call in. So I did. He checked him over but was a bit concerned that Eoin seemed to be having a lot of discomfort in his tummy so referred us to hospital to be on the safe side. Went in and they did an x-ray and checked him over, x-ray showed nothing but they wanted to keep him there overnight for observation so Eoin and I got to stay there! Yippee!! They gave me a fold up mattress thing to lie on which was pretty uncomfortable but I reckon I managed to get a couple of hours sleep. Eoin slept fine once he calmed down and was full of the joys when he woke, you would never know there had been anything wrong in the first place!!! The reckoned it was just a tummy bug and that he would be as well off at home as in there so home we went and he hasn't had a problem since!!! Thankfully all is well now and he is definitely back to his usual self!

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