Wednesday 18 July 2007


Lee is on holidays this week and next which is great and we are all enjoying having him around. The weather is also obliging so far and staying fairly nice!! About the only place that is though, there are reports of flash floods and thunder storms everywhere else in the country. Which is fine but means there is no point going anywhere, we may as well stay where the weather is nice!!!! Conor is enjoying having Lee on his holidays once he realised it meant he was going to be staying at home. He was upset at first when I told him his daddy was going to be on holidays because he wanted to go too!!!
This morning Lee was heading out and asked Conor would he like to go with him, at first he said no but then Lee suggested they go to Tony's (a holiday shop here that has a cafe and games etc) at this Conor literally did a dance for joy around the kitchen and couldn't get his shoes on fast enough!!!! I think he likes it there!?! So they went to Tony's, had a cake and then went on a couple of the amusement rides. Conor is getting more and more brave on those things, before he used to want to go on but as soon as it would start he would want to get off, now he is going on the ones that go up in the air (kiddie chairoplanes but cooler now, flying elephants and helicopters!).
Amazingly I haven't really taken any pictures this week, I was sure I would have the camera out non stop but we are just spending the time going for walks and enjoying having all of us together all day. There will be some before the end of the week though and we are talking about going to the zoo next week so I'm sure we will have some from that too. Will post accordingly.
Of course i also have a projet while Lee is around which is Eoin's room, so far progress is not going too well (all I have managed to do is mask one half of the room), but I will post pictures of the finished room, whenever that will be!!! I have decided on the base colour (baby blue, cliché I know, but cute!) but still having trouble with what I am going to put up on it, I will possibly paint a couple of murals but that requires time and effort so it will depend on how much of either of those I can spare!

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