Monday 9 July 2007

Teenagers and teething

At 10 this morning Conor comes into the kitchen and says "Mammy I hungry!" So I go through the usual what do you want to eat? Cereal, toast etc etc all of which received negative responses until finally he points to the press where we keep the sweet things. I told him no it is too early for anything sweet and he could have any of the forementioned options. At this he storms out of the kitchen giving out. About five minutes later he comes back "Mammy I want something to eat", so we started again with similar results but this time he storms out saying "I'm going cos I never get anything to eat!" Of course I started to laugh which did not go down well at all he just got more annoyed! How old is he?? 3 going on 13!!!!! If he is starting the moody teenager now what on earth will he be like when he hits puberty!???!
(I caved about half past on his fourth attempt and gave him a rich tea biscuit.)
On other matters, I am finally back to normal and got my first period in a year yesterday - *Joy*. I forgot just how horrible it can be and combined with sleep deprivation does not make a happy mamma!!! If I could I would curl up in bed with a hot water bottle, 10 gallons of tea and a kilo bar of chocolate but I'm a mum so I cannot be afforded such luxuries!! -Pity.
Eoin has started teething already and looks like he is constantly chewing gum except of course when his fists are shoved in his mouth. Thankfully it is not bothering him at night just during the day but it makes it difficult for him to settle down for a decent sleep, he is just getting 20-30mins at a time before he wakes and starts chewing again. I think Conor is sleeping more than him at the moment getting nearly 13 hours last night while Eoin got 7 straight then 2 more and just cat naps since. Hopefully he will be able to settle down for a decent sleep later today. If he does I can try convince Conor he wants to cuddle on the couch for a while and I can wallow in self pity for a little while! I can only hope!!

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