Wednesday 11 July 2007

Time away

I had planned to post about how normal service has been resumed and that I have come out of the dark depressing fog that seems to surround me when I get my period but I am so over that!!! Instead I think I need to moan about how Eoin's teething seems to upset both of us a lot during the day and now Conor has a cold so his nose is like a tap and the nasal drip is causing him to cough a lot keeping all of us awake at night(more us than him, he somehow manages to sleep through most of his coughing). So this morning I am really tired and Eoin would not stop crying let alone go to sleep, it is days like this when I can't wait to go back to work! My opinion on that can change hourly depending on how the boys are behaving! To cheer me up I am going for an adult lunch with friends and leaving the boys with their Granny, it will be nice to have a bit of time away from them on my own and I will appreciate them more afterwards! I definitely think it is important for all parents to get some "me" time away from kids and house otherwise you could just go nuts!!!! (More nuts than I usually am, that is)

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