Thursday 12 July 2007

Boys will be boys

Conor started his day yesterday with a bang - literally! He fell off a high stool in the kitchen hitting the tiles head first! I had turned around to get him a drink, heard a noise and turned back to see him going head first off the stool and walloping it off the floor. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it. A golf ball sized lump formed instantly which of course made things worse for me cos looking at it made me feel even more sick! Iced it straight away and thankfully he doesn't seem to be showing any ill effects from it so far. In his 3 years this is the first big bang he has had and he will have that bruise for a good week or two judging by the size of it. Well he did it in style! I know I should count myself lucky that he is not very accident prone and has managed to get away with just small bumps and bruises. It made me wonder how I would deal with anything serious, I seem to be fine when something is happening and do what needs to be done but kind of fall to pieces afterwards when I think about what happened. Having 2 boys means I will probably have to deal with my fair share of cuts and bruises and all that so I am sure I will become immune to it after a while but right now I feel sick thinking about my poor little boy hitting his head off the ground. If I could wrap him up in bubble wrap to protect him I would but unfortunately that is not an option.
We were coming back from a walk the other evening and saw two boys having a fight on the green near our house. Lee spotted them first and shouted at them to stop because one of them (the bigger one) was giving the other guy quite a beating throwing punches and sitting on top of him. So Lee went over to make sure they broke it up and check the guy underneath was ok - he was but stayed on the ground after Lee walked away so I got in touch with his mother to make sure he was ok. I know a lot of it is boys being boys and I would be dilusional if I thought my two are not going to get into a few fights but hopefully they won't get into too many! Then you get into the whole what do you do when they are in a fight scenario, do you give out to them for fighting or say well done for standing up for themselves. I think I will let Lee have that discussion with them!!
Eoin (dare I say it?) seems to be settling a bit more at night and we are getting some nights where he sleeps till about 6am!!! He didn't do it last night but that was cos he was a bit unsettled during the day yesterday with his teeth so he went to sleep earlier than usual last night without finishing his bottle, but I'll take it whatever way it comes!
The weather here is still crap but had been ok for the last couple of days - we even sat outside to eat dinner yesterday evening!, and while it is raining this morning with no sign of it letting up I am optimistic about it improving, I think the forecast is ok for the weekend. The weather had been getting me down lately and I don't think I could have picked a worse summer to be off on Maternity leave but I just have to make the most of it and enjoy the time with my boys. Lee is on holidays for the next 2 weeks and we are going to get out and do things one way or another!!!
Cheerier post coming soon, I promise!

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