Thursday 26 July 2007

It's a jungle out there!

Yesterday we went to "the jungle" as Conor keeps calling it but really it was the Zoo. While he did enjoy it he is still more entertained by the play areas than the animals but that's kids for you! I did notice some things about him yesterday though, he is getting braver trying to climb fences and stuff he is not supposed to be climbing for one! He was also not too bothered by all the fighting that was going on with the kids queuing for the big slide. Conor chose not to queue but just to wander around where all the other kids were queuing, occassionally stopping to come over to me and laugh. This was while Lee had to go all the way back out of the zoo to the car to get Eoin's bottle which I had left in the boot of the car!!! He was not impressed(Lee or Eoin!).
I had to admire (or pity) the mother who stood underneath the slide trying to get the kids that were jumping the queue to wait their turn while they were skillfully ignoring her even though she was grabbing them by the trouser leg shouting "Excuse Me, Excuse Me!". She was fighing a losing battle when I could see other parents going up with their children and bringing them to the head of the queue in front of the other kids. It is amazing how different parents are, if I caught Conor skipping the queue(not likely as he tended to let any kid that came up behind him go first!) I would make him go back to the back and wait his turn but these parents just didn't care most of them not even keeping an eye on what their children are doing, one kid was even up on the platform crying obviously scared and calling for her mammy and daddy who were sitting on a bench looking at her until finally the father got up with an audible sigh, i mean God how dare she inconvenience him by getting upset!!! Maybe I am an over-protective Mother but better that than negligent!

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