Wednesday 1 August 2007

Sleeping and solids

Well it finally happened, he slept through the night and not just till half six/seven like he has done a few times he slept until eight o clock this morning from about nine last night!!!!! He made a lot of shuffling noises between 5 and 6 but wasn't waking up he had just kicked off his blanket so I covered him up and didn't hear from him again until eight!! Apart of course from the odd movement, he moves around nearly as much as his brother, who last night when we were heading to bed looked like he was doing the YMCA dance!! Eoin had started to wake about 4ish during the night the last few nights when he had previously been going to half six seven so yesterday i decided it was time to try solids - I know they are trying to encourage us to go till 6 months before weaning them but I think every child is different and some are quite happy to go along on just bottles or whatever but I knew it was time for him. He didn't hate it either and took quite a good bit for his first attempt! The result - he slept through the night!! I hope it wasn't just a once off!!!
Lee is back in work this week so we are adjusting back again. Eoin is being a bit of a maggot cos he was spoiled when Lee was off having one of us to hold him more than he usually would while now he just gets put in his bouncy chair or on his playmat while I try get stuff done or deal with Conor. He is moaning a lot more than he did before Lee's holidays but he is just going to have to get used to it! Conor is also feeling the change he was getting a lot more attention when Lee was here all day but he is very good and is starting to learn to be more patient.
Well the weather has finally started to improve and we are currently having our third day of sunshine in a row so we are off for a walk so I can try lose some of this weight finally - only seven weeks until I am due to go back to work, gotta get my act together!!

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