Sunday 19 August 2007

Losing the muffin top!

I have been reluctant to blog about this for the last few days because as soon as I do I am making it official. However, something drastic needs to be done and if that means I need to blog about it so it will guilt me into action then so be it! My muffin top (area of flab that hangs over jeans) needs some serious attention. Obviously after having a baby I am going to have this anyway but I would only be lying to myself if I pretended it wasn't there before that so I am now going to address it.

After I had Conor I wanted to lose weight and tone up but knew I wouldn't be happy with just one child so was reluctant to work too hard to shed the pounds knowing I would have to start again after baby number two. Well baby number two is here and I don't see a baby number three in our future so now is the time to get to work.

I have been making excuses a lot lately, not going for walks because of the weather or being too tired or because Eoin won't settle but no more, I am going to get out for a decent walk at least every second night which will also allow Lee to get out for a walk the other nights.

I started doing sit ups the other day and it is sad just how inflexible I have become, I could barely get my head off the ground!!! I am not going to let that stop me though, I am going to persist and maybe in a couple of weeks my shoulders will lift too!!!

I plan to lose at least a stone by Christmas which is a realistic goal at about 1lb a week. Lee is very supportive and wants to do the same which is great because usually we are each others worst enemies in things like this and when one of us gives in to temptation the other falls with them but this time we are going to be stronger and I am going to cleanse the house of all things bad and calorie loaded!!! My task for tomorrow is to clear out the junk press (along with all the other presses - some rearranging needs to be done feel the need to restore order, keeps my mind off sweet things) and rid the house of temptation.

I am not confident or secure enough to disclose my actual weight now but I will post progress reports hopefully regularly as I lose weight and also my bad days so I have to admit to myself when I do things wrong. So here's to losing the muffin top and may it go as well as planned!!!!

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