Friday 10 August 2007

Four months today!

Eoin, you are four months old today. I have enjoyed this time with you so much and you are such a pleasant child to be around. You always have a smile for me that cheers me up no matter what the weather or my mood.

These four months have passed so quickly, I am glad I have taken so many pictures so at least I can remember when you were tiny. I love how you laugh when I clean under your chin in the bath. I love that you have taken to eating solids like a duck to water and just can't get enough. You are a hungry baby and like to have a full tummy but it helps you sleep 10 hours a night which me and your Daddy really appreciate!!!

Your teething has caused you some discomfort but you get by chewing everything within reach even trying to get both fists into your mouth at the same time. I can barely keep up with you on bibs, they are no sooner on you than they are dripping wet from dribble, but the whole time you manage to keep a bright and cheery demeanor.

I am sorry if you end up with a flat nose from all the times Conor rubs it every day but he can't help it either, he just loves you so much!

I laugh when I put you in your bouncy chair and you start to complain until I remind you that you are fine and just needed a toy to chew. I love that you are so sociable and don't just keep your smiles for me but are willing to share them with anyone who smiles at you. You are already very chatty blabbering non-stop so I am imaging dinner times in years to come when there will be major competition between you and your brother over who can talk the most, and long car journeys will be fun. Conor barely stops talking wherever we are going so if the two of you are talking non stop it will be funny!!

You have a very cheeky look about you a lot of the time and I have a feeling it is a sign of things to come, but you will have some competition in that department!

This is your footprint today at four months (just as well I did it today otherwise your foot wouldn't have fit in the mould!). I never did this with Conor and I am sorry I didn't because it is something I will have forever that shows the size of you when you were small and helpless! I am sure I will wish you still small and helpless at some point later in your life when you have done something you shouldn't have!!! For the moment though, stay being you and we will keep loving you as much as we can and delight in your progress as you make your mark on this world.

All my love

Mum xxx

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