Tuesday 14 August 2007

uh uh uh Bok!

My procrastination has reached an all time high, Eoin's room which I started painting about 4 weeks ago is still not finished!!! It is not possible to do it during the day because Conor would want to "help" which doesn't bear thinking about and then in the evenings there is always something else to do or else I am just too tired to face it. At the moment I am suffering with a cold that just makes me want to sleep!!! If only Conor would still take a nap in the afternoon!

I went to the supermarket earlier today with the boys and ended up getting really annoyed. It started when I had parked and got Conor out some woman parked beside me on Eoins side leaving about 2 inches for me to open the door and get him out!!!! Thankfully she realised this before getting out of her car (how she was going to manage that I don't know unless she was made of rubber!) and moved to a different spot allowing me to get Eoin out. Then it started raining and when we were going back to the car was fairly heavy and, guess what, some other eejit had parked similarily close to me!!!!!!! So I had to get Conor to climb in the front out of the rain and wait while I had to climb across Conors car seat to get Eoin into his seat. All the while the drivers door is open and the seat getting wetter and wetter by the minute - it didn't occur to me at the time to close the door after Conor when he got in!!! Strapped Conor in and then put the bags in the passenger seat, leaning across the drivers seat to do so and walloping my head off the door frame! I was so frustrated at this stage I yelled F***, then I brought the trolley back to the trolley bay and went back to the car. As I got in I could hear Conor in the fits of giggles saying "uh, uh, uh BOK!!!" (luckily that is what he thought I said). He laughed at me the whole way home going "uh, uh, uh BOK!!!" and breaking down laughing. Meanwhile my bum was getting soaked from the wet seat. Oh the joys!!

On the up side the stupid driver of the stupid car that was parked 2 stupid inches away from mine heard my expletive as he got into his stupid car. I hope he realised my frustration and anger was directed at him!!!!

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