Tuesday 22 May 2007

Six weeks today!

At 2.15 this morning when feeding Eoin I realised he had reached his first milestone in his short little life and that he was now (exactly) six weeks old. Time for his six week check (and mine!) when his development will be assessed and hopefully all will be fine so we can continue on our merry little way.

I also realised it is the time when the infamous question starts being asked - "So, is he sleeping through the night for you yet?" . I dread that question so much!!! Conor unfortunately was not a good sleeper and we eventually got a full nights sleep when he was about 15 months old. I had been asked the dreaded question so many times with Conor that eventually I started to lie and say "'Yes, he is doing great!!". It stopped the looks from the smug mothers whose babies slept through the night from 6 weeks and took their bottle on schedule etc etc. Honestly I think they all lie and it is all just trying to get one up on another mother so that you don't feel so bad about the problems you are having! The pressure to have your baby perform can be overwhelming at times as it all seems to be a big competition these days. I know I can see that from an objective point of view but still not sure if I can take the pressure when thrown in the middle of it!
Hopefully I will not have to lie too much this time round!

I can't believe he is six weeks old already though, in one way it seems like just the other day when I was in the hospital for a scan and they tell me they are going to induce me, yet it kinda feels like he has always been here. It is hard to remember things without him - mind you I was a lot less tired I know that much!! The time has gone so quickly - possibly due to the sleep deprivation induced hase we have been in for most of it, and they are only this small for such a short space of time that I already feel I am missing out on him being a baby. He has great head control and really strong legs and arms that he is already difficult to hold the way you want because he has other ideas. I think we have a stubborn one on our hands but I can't wait to get to know him better as time goes on even if it means I am losing my baby.
To all of you who don't have kids I'm sure this sounds a bit melodramatic but if you ever do have a baby you will realise just how quickly they lose the babyness and start to become their own person and you will also lament its passing.

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