Monday 21 May 2007

Granny and Grandad are back!

Went to collect Mam and Dad on Friday from Cork airport returning from their trip to Sydney. I decided to bring Conor with me cos he missed them so much while they were away and I thought the company would be nice for me too. Some company, he fell asleep 10 mins into the journey and didn't wake up till I shook him awake and told him we were in the airport!!!
He was however delighted to see his granny and grandad back and tried to get 3 weeks worth of conversation out on the journey home. He was hilarious trying to one-up their stories the whole time. Grandad telling him about visiting the reptile park and seeing crocodiles Conor pipes up "I saw crocodiles, and aligators too!"
Then on Saturday I think he was afraid they were gone again and I had to keep reassuring him they were still here and we would see them later. There was also the issue of the presents they had promised him! It was what kept him going when they were away, and they did not disappoint either!! It was nearly as good as christmas!
Back to normal now though and when I was getting him ready for play school this morning the usual complaints started...... "I dont want to go to Ona's House (aka playshcool). I like my Granny". So he has re-adjusted to Granny being back and wanted to go there instead of school, but as usual was more than happy to go to school when we got there and barely looked at me as I left!! If I didn't know better I would call him minipulitive!!!

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