Friday 18 May 2007

Oh so tired

Some days are better than others, but then some nights are better than others too! Unfortunately last night was not one of the better ones. While the new bottles are going great it also means baby is more comfortable and slept a lot of yesterday, it was also very hot so that contributed to his sleepiness too. As a result he decided he would like to be awake last night when his mammy really really wanted to be asleep!!! up between 12.00 an 01.00 and then again fom 3.00 to 5.00. all the while his Daddy lay in bed in a beer induced coma blissfully unaware that anything was wrong. He thought Eoin had a good night and was only up for a short while. On the plus side, he wasn't crying, just happy to see me so while I might complain about being tired and give out to Lee for sleeping through it I am the lucky one who got his sole attention for those hours! And how can you not appreciate that!?

So the plan today is to try keep him awake for a good while after his feeds so that he might like to sleep more tonight! We can only hope! I might enjoy his company but at the moment would prefer a better nights sleep.

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