Wednesday 19 September 2007

Nearly 30? Is that what is wrong?

I cried yesterday. It wasn't an ow I just walloped a limb off something hard kind of cry but a frustrated sorrowful cry. I was so tired and totally frustrated over Eoin crying hysterically with the pain in his gums and how little I could do for him to help him that it just came over me and I found myself crying, holding Eoin crying and trying to answer Conors constant questions.

Now, as a rule I'm a crier, I do tend to be very emotional and will cry at the drop of a hat, especially during heart tugging films or television. I always cry on my birthday, have done for several years and not because I don't want to get older because that does not bother me. I think I always get reflective on my birthday and it makes me think about the people I don't see as much as I would like to and the things I don't get to do as much as I would like to and that tends to make me sad.

So, this year (Friday to be specific) I am turning 30 and I have a very busy day. I am going to get my hair done and then go for an early dinner with Lee and then go to watch the rugby match. The morning will be taken up with organising the 2 boys for their sleepover in Granny and Grandads which takes quite a while with all the stuff they need! I am hoping the day will be so jam packed that I won't have a chance to get melancholy and reflective and I won't get a chance to cry.

I would probably love a big party just for the sake of a party but the time and effort involved in all that is just too much for me right now so maybe when I am forty! So no big plans, just heading to the Vic to watch the match if anyone is around and would like to join us!

I suppose turning 30 should have some effect on me but I really can't complain about anything. I have a great husband and 2 great kids which means by the time I am forty they will nearly be self-sufficient and Lee and I can have a life again!!! All kidding aside though, I am looking forward to friday if for nothing else than the nice meal I will have in l'Atmosphere and the lie in I will get on Saturday with no kids to get up to. I can be hopeful about Ireland's chances in the match against France but either way I plan to enjoy myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday,Love you,Miss you.
Sadie,John,Emma ,Laura and Ian.