Tuesday 11 September 2007

Proposals and root canals

I have to admit I am quite emotional about the thought of going back to work in a few weeks. I know there are days when Eoin is inconsolable with his teething which always seems to coincide with Conor being ultra demanding where I wish I could just go away somewhere to my quiet space and rock gently backwards and forewards muttering to myself but those days are few and far between. It's the other days though that make me well up thinking of how much I will miss them when I go back to work. I will miss Conor's unprompted cuddles (also his unprompted diving on me!) and his frequent declarations of love ("Mammy?", "Yes Conor", "I love you!") and Eoin's heartwarming smile which he gives away freely and easily and would cheer anyone up! I have also been proposed to by Conor which makes me think I must be doing something right, the funniest part was when he tried to figuire out what his relationship to Lee would be!

I am also worried about how they will be without me. I know they will be fine of course, my Mum is minding them so I am not worried about their well being or anything like that just emotionally it will be different for them having had me around non stop for six months has made us all very close. Eoin is very attached to me and I wonder how he will be if he needs settling when I'm not there . I know Conor will miss me but he will be grand because he loves it in my mums so much that he will hardly notice the time going by. I would love to not have to go back an be able to stay with them until they are in school but unfortunately that is not an option right now. On the other hand I might go insane without any adult interaction!!

In other news, I got my early birthday present on Friday and had my root canal done!! Woohoo!!! I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be just my jaw hurt afterwards from having it open for nearly an hour and a half! It was uncomfortable but necessary and it is done now so I need not worry about it again. I do have another dentist appointment next week but I will worry about that when the time comes.

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