Friday 7 September 2007

My diet works!!

School is going ok for Conor, he did cry on Wednesday when I told him he had to go but got over it very quickly and only had a little moan yesterday, who knows, it might be sinking in that he is going to be going whether he likes it or not! Only a couple of incidents in school too, something about play doh and he cried and then the bowling set he cried over cos someone else was playing with it. How to tell a three year old he needs to share and take turns is great fun!!! I'd say he is sick of hearing it at this stage but he will keep hearing it until it sinks in.

Poor Eoin is driven demented with his teeth(or lack of!), and was up this morning at 5.20 for about 2 hours not able to settle at all and me trying all sorts of distractions to stop him thinking about the pain. I feel so sorry for him, I have had bad toothache in the last few weeks and hope it is not what he is feeling!

Quest to lose the muffin top is going well, I have lost another 4lbs!!! What am I doing you ask? Well it is more what I am not doing!! I am not snacking, I had gotten really bad at snacking during the day, especially when I am constantly getting food for Conor. If he is having a slice of toast I would put one on for me too, crackers for Conor, crackers and cheese for me etc etc etc. It wasn't crap (though there was a good bit of that too) but I was eating unnecessarily, the thing was though I wasn't putting on any weight doing that so obviously the boys were keeping me busy enough that I was burning those calories so I figured if I stopped eating the extra calories I would start to lose weight and hey it is working!!! I do try get for a walk as often as possible though so I am getting a bit more exercise that I was which I'm sure is helping too. I am also trying to do sit ups at least every other day and my shoulders are lifting off the ground now!!! My stomach muscles are also quite tender at times!!!
I know some of my weight loss has been due to the fact that my teeth have been causing me pain for the last week or so and I have been reluctant to eat too much especially avoiding sweet things so we will see how I get on when my teeth stop hurting me!

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