Monday 24 September 2007

Back to reality

Well, I had a wonderful birthday and there wasn't a wet eye to be seen anywhere!(apart from all the men crying into their pints after the terrible result in the match) I was so busy all day Friday that I didn't get a minute to reflect on anything. First brought Lee in to work and wandered around town with the boys for a little while waiting to meet Nici and then Conor had to go play in the toy shop he loves and by the time we were eventually home it was gone 11am, leaving me only roughly 2 hours to get the boys packed and transported to mums and get myself ready for going out because once I left the house that was it for the night! Of course at this stage I still had no idea what I was going to wear!!!! I managed to get it all done though(if a little stressed) on time and made the bus on time too. That is a whole other saga though which I will save for some other time, suffice to say I hate busses, a fact that was made worse on Friday!

Got to the hairdressers got my hair done and met Lee for dinner(which was fab as usual - love that restaurant!) where he surprised me with a beautiful necklace that I was not expecting at all but am extremely grateful for! The whole night went great (apart from the match but we won't talk about that) even down to the taxi which was possibly the cleanest taxi I have ever been in, and what was even better was I did not have a sore head on Saturday morning!!

Had cake and bubbly on Saturday with family which was also really nice but we were brought back to reality with a bang on Sunday when Conor had a temperature and Eoin wouldn't settle all day with his sore gums! I was in high demand yesterday and although it is tough going sometimes I do love it, I love that I am the mammy they want when the are not well, everyone always wants their mammy when they are not well and I get to do that for these 2 little boys which I am more that happy to do any time.

So all in all I thoroughly enjoyed my 30th birthday but it is over now so I can start planning the big party for my 40th!!!

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