Saturday 29 September 2007

Limos & Lipsticks

Lee's neice (and mine I would say but apparantly that is not correct because she is from his side of the family and I am only an in-law so she is not my niece! I hate that, usually in conversation I will just say my niece for convenience and people always say oh which of your brothers kids is that, I mean, come on! When did everything have to be so precise or "PC" that I can't refer to my husbands niece who, by the way, I went to see in the hospital after she was born 13 years ago, as my niece!!!) Ok got that off my chest let me continue.

Our niece was 13 yesterday and her mother organised this for her and her friends to be driven around town in for a couple of hours!

I can't remember what I did when I was 13 but I can assure you it was not being driven around town in a pink limo. Of course the girls were absolutely beside themselves and I hope they all had a great time. It will certainly be a birthday to remember! I have to admit I wouldn't mind doing that myself but change the cola and lemonades to champagne please!!

Have a great birthday Katie!

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