Tuesday 11 September 2007

Tears on the driveway

Well, this morning I was getting Conor ready for school and I thought to myself "this isn't going too bad, he seems to be quite happy this morning" He was very co-operative in all aspects of getting him ready so I thought maybe he is starting to be ok with going to school. Oh but how wrong I was! There was no mention of school at all until we were going out to get in the car and he asked if he had to go to school today, when I replied that he did there was full blown crying out on the driveway!! Tears, the works, I guess he did not want to go to school after all! On the way there in the car he kept repeating "I don't want to go to school Mammy" and I kept trying to come up with good reasons for going. Of course when we got there he was fine, a bit clingy at first but one of his friends from before the summer was back from his holidays so that was ok and off they went making guns out of lego and chasing each other around the room! I'm sure he will have a ball today but still won't want to go again tomorrow!

1 comment:

Glowworm said...

The poor kid. Wait til he realises he gets to do that for the next, oh, 16 years or so. He'll just love that! x