Saturday 1 September 2007

Catching up

Apologies for my absense lately. I think panic has started to set in about when I go back to work and I am trying to cram as much into the next few weeks as possible. So taking time out to blog has been at the bottom of my list lately.

So, what has been happening in rambling Joey's world this last week? It's been quite busy really. I had a very bad tooth ache all over last weekend (of course the pain started Thursday but I totally forgot to ring the dentist - how could I forget I hear you ask, well remarkably easy really when you have 2 boys to look after, they kept distracting me every time I went to look up the number!!!) which was coupled with a family funeral on Lee's side (ooh that was fun trying to be nice to people with a throbbing pain in my mouth - at least I looked sombre) but I had to go, I know the family well and they are all so nice I couldn't have missed it so I just had to grin and bare it.

Finally got a dentist appointment on Tuesday afternoon (jus as well cos I was running out of pain killers!) to be told there was an infection which needed antibiotics and that needed to be cleared before they could do any work to it. By work they mean whichever I decide, take the tooth out or have root canal work done! Neither sounds very appealing to me really as I hate going to the dentist, I just hate the feeling in my mouth as they prod and poke and all I want to do is swallow all the time. Any time I have had to get work done I get really worked up about it beforehand and freak myself out but then manage to get through it fine and wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place. You would think that it would get easier the next time then but, oh no, I start the same freaking out process all over again!!!

We brought Conor to the Cinema for the first time this week! To see The Simpsons Movie, he is three and loves the Simpsons!!! It was all very exciting for him and we even got the bus into town to meet Lee which was another treat. He wasn't heavy enough to hold down the seat though so had to sit on our laps which he did with his hands over his ears for the first half hour!!! Then he settled into it and thoroughly enjoyed it - especially the popcorn and chocolate!!

I still haven't finished Eoins room but I have managed to get his chest of drawers put together with a little help from Lee and Conor - Conor was not willing to give up his screws for the drawers though so I had to find a couple of similar looking ones and swap them when he wasn't looking.

I haven't even been taking many pictures so I will get back to all that and put up some of the boys later in the week. Now I am off to try finish the second coat of paint on Eoin's room before he wakes from his nap!

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