Monday 1 October 2007

First day back

I was reserving judgement on my first day back until I collected the boys because no matter how good or bad my day in work went a lot depended on how my mum got on with the boys today. Thankfully all seemed to go well and the stress I have been feeling for the last week is finally lifting.

Work was grand, nothing has changed there really except I have been kind of demoted into an easier less stressful role which at first I wasn't sure if I was happy about but now I think I am quite pleased as it means I have less to do and don't have to think about work when I leave. Before I started my maternity leave I was starting to get quite stressed about certain elements of my job and felt I was under qualified and needed training in some areas and now that is not something I have to worry about anymore. The money is still the same so I can see no problems. It also helped that it was very quiet today so I was eased in gradually. It will take a bit of time to get back into it though because my job involves a lot of codes that can be easily confused or written down wrong so I am triple checking everything for the time being. If they would only stop bringing out new models of cars with different mirror bases and anti glare or heated or rain sensored windscreens my job would be an awful lot easier!

I really thought today would be a lot worse than it was and I thought I would be upset because I have been very emotional the last few days - attended funeral of family friend at weekend(whole other story) coupled with time of the month does not make for happy Joey! but thankfully I was grand and the day didn't drag too much!!

Tomorrow is another story though, I have to drop Eoin to mums then Conor to Playschool which I don't think Conor will be too happy about so we will see how that goes!!
I will resort to bribery if necessary!!!!

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