Thursday 18 October 2007

Lost keys

I lost my keys yesterday. My car and house keys on the one set, I had them in order to open the door and I went into the kitchen laden down with bags etc and assume I left them down on the counter as I normally do. When I went to look for them later I couldn't find them but just figured I had misplaced them until later again when I actually started to look for them properly. Lee and I searched the house top to bottom but couldn't find them anywhere so eventually gave up hoping Conor might have moved them somewhere and he would tell us when he got up in the morning. This did not help me rest easy though, I was sick with worry wondering if I had maybe dropped them outside after I had unlocked the door and someone might have picked them up. This caused for not the greatest nights sleep ever with me waking about 20 times wondering if the car would still be there when we got up.

When we did get up I was relieved to see that our car was still there which reassured me that the keys were probably in the house somewhere. Conor however denied any knowledge of their whereabouts so I started to panic again. Got organised anyway and locked up taking laptop and camera with me figuring they were the things we would miss the most (worst case scenario). I put the laptop in the boot but my camera was on the passenger seat so when I got into work I brought it in with me - not wanting to leave it in the car because we have a few travellers staying in the car park (yeah that is nice!).

(Wow I am really making this into a long story when It's not really but I went through so much trauma over it I feel I need to share)

Left my camera in work cos I had put it in a drawer so rang one of the lads to ask him to bring it home with him just in case our unwanted guests decided to see inside our building during the night. (Don't worry I know I am neurotic) So he rang me back a few minutes later to say he had opened the case to have a look at the camera and there on top of my camera were my keys!!! I know I didn't put them there so I asked Conor if he had put them in the case and he said he put them in the computer bag and to go look there for them. Now why couldn't he have told me that this morning????

I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders though. I was so relieved!!!! I can stop imagining some psycho will walk into the house using the key I lost and take all our things. I am dealing with my nuttiness in stages I promise!!!

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