Wednesday 24 October 2007

Battle of Wills

Eoin has been trying it on with us the last couple of nights, when he was upset teething I gave in and gave him bottle to settle him but now that he is ok again he is still waking looking for it for comfort so last night I decided to nip it in the bud. It took an hour and a half to get him back to sleep when he woke at half two!!

The thing is once he is in my arms looking around he is totally ok and cheery but as soon as I lie him down in his cot (in his own room finally by the way) he starts to go mental again. I persisted though and won the battle last night so need to get an early night tonight to be ready for our next battle. I will admit I am shattered this morning but we have been down this road before with Conor and hopefully Eoin will be as clever as his brother and learn quickly what the story is. All indications are pointing that way though, he already knows he can play Lee better than me and will get away with more with him. Last night when he was going to bed I put him down and he did his usual moans etc and I went into him a couple of times to settle him again - usually takes 4-5 attempts before he is properly settled, but I got Lee to go in at one point and he went totally nuts, rigid and roaring crying so that Lee would pick him up. I was on my way up the stairs as Lee was coming down with Eoin in his arms and yer man just starts laughing at me as if to say "you should know better that sending him up, he is too easy!". I brought him straight back up and put him back down and he settled very quickly, he can't beat me quite so easily!

His personality is really coming out now though, so far he thinks most things are hilarious and he has a big hearty laugh and a grin that goes from ear to ear. As you can see from above he is also a bit of a messer and will chance his arm with us. He has gorgeous sparkly eyes that light up when he smiles at us and is just the happiest little chappy around!

The battle of wills is continuing into the night at the moment when Eoin wants to get up and have bottle at about 2am which I am totally against and our disagreement took an hour and a half the other night but I think he is getting the message and is going back to sleep quicker the last couple of nights. He still stirs a bit though which means I am up anyway a few times a night so I am still very tired but hopefully this battle wont go on for too long and he will realise - as Conor does, that I am the boss!!!!!

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