Thursday 14 June 2007

The patient

Things have been a bit hectic this week with Conor sick and OMG is he a bad patient!! I know he is only little but he is starting to milk it now! Every few minutes there is a call out for my services, he wants water or something to eat or whatever it is, he has a table right beside him with everything he needs on it but can't manage to pick up his glass to give himself some water!!!

Yesterday was grand, the two boys were managing to want me at different times so it wasn't too difficult I could help one then the other but today neither of them would sleep when they needed to and were both very cranky until I finally got them to go for a sleep. The worst was when I had Eoin on my lap feeding him his bottle with one hand and trying to comfort Conor with the other hand to help him go to sleep! Multitasking at its finest!!! He is definitely on the mend though and has been able to eat a bit more today. He is, however, still very moany and just trying to find things to complain about at the moment! If he had gone to sleep when he should have last night (instead of complaining about the smell of his farts) I'm sure he would be in much better form.

As Fathers day is coming up I figured I had better do something for Lee so I asked Conor what should we get him. He suggested boots "So he can go digging!" "And we could get him a shovel!" So if I can't think of anything else I can get those and tell Lee it is what Conor wanted to get him! I always find it very difficult to buy gifts for men, they are not like women where you can nearly always go for flowers or perfume and be ok, a lot more thought has to go into gifts for men. Any suggestions welcome!

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