Sunday 10 June 2007

The Christening

Well the christening went off without a hitch! The weather turned out fab so everyone (especially kids) was able to stay outside for most of the time!! Eoin was brilliant in the church and didn't make a sound. He was noticably quieter than the other babies being christened and made me so proud! (all be it because he had a dummy stuck in his mouth any time he looked like he was going to start giving out!!!!!)

Thank God Eoin's godmother Karen was on hand to help me in the kitchen or I would have probably imploded! Either that or nobody would have got any food until about midnight. In the week leading up to it we were constantly saying we would have way too much food and beer and we were right about the beer! I think they would have kept eating bread and chilli butter and coctail sausages all night only for I ran out. Thankfully there was loads of curry, strog and pie for them to tuck into and loads of desserts to eat afterwards.

Everyone was gone by twelve and we left the cleaning up till this morning but there wasn't too much as we used mostly plastic plates and cutlery so it was really just glasses(lots and lots of glasses!) that needed to be cleaned. Here are a couple of pics from the church and our lovely boy in his 45 year old christening robe - Lee and all his brothers were christened in it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful your hair,The gown is incredible...........Sadie,xx