Friday 1 June 2007

Battle of the bulge

Why is it when you know you need to lose weight and watch what you are eating your cravings for junk food seem to intensify?? I am currently addicted to chocolate! It is all I want to eat at the moment!! Thankfully my will power is strong enough that I do resist a lot of the time. Cadbury's chocolate buttons being my favourite and my real weakness - which reminds me, I will send some in the next aussie package(some birthdays coming up), so, the battle of the bulge continues!! We are going to a wedding this month and I saw a beautiful dress in town but I am torn on buying it. It is fairly expensive and if I buy it in my size now and lose weight I won't get to wear it again, on the other hand if I don't buy it you can be sure I will not lose weight and it would fit me anyway but I wouldn't have it. Ideally I would just prefer to tone up more (less saggy belly etc etc) which would not necessarily mean a change in dress size?!!? All of this is hypothetical anyway because I have not tried on the dress yet and I'm sure as usually happens with these things I will hate it on me and not want to buy it anyway!!! Aahh the joys of it all!!!

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