Tuesday 12 June 2007

Best laid plans

I was so looking forward to these couple of days and I was hoping to get a bit of what I would consider to be well deserved rest, but Conor had other plans none of us could have expected. While I was deciding how to use the time he was in school yesterday morning I got the dreaded phone call from playschool!! Conor had just gotten sick in school! It does seem to have been just a 24 hour thing but between us we managed to build up nearly a weeks worth of washing! God love him but he couldn't keep anything down! There is nothing worse than watching your child when they are sick. I would do anything to take it away from him and he only has a stomach bug, I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like for parents of seriously ill children. All I keep thinking at the moment is what if Eoin gets it now or did anyone else here on saturday pick up anything? It is however out of my hands and if it happens, it happens so my worrying will not prevent it!

I realised today that I lie a lot as I'm sure we all do. Not big lies but little white ones, like when my mother tells me to take it easy when the boys are asleep I say I will when I know as soon as they fall asleep I will start ironing or cleaning or something. I know when I am saying it that I have no intention of doing what I say I will, but say it to reassure the person I am talking to that they have done their bit by giving me advice or checking I am ok. The same on Saturday when people kept asking me to go get something to eat or did I eat and I told them all I had eaten etc. etc. (In fairness the intention was there for a while but my plate got tidied before I had a chance to eat anything off it). All anyone wanted to do was make sure I was ok but to be honest after spending all that time in the kitchen I really didn't feel like food! (I made up for it on Sunday though and had left over dessert for most of my meals!) I think what I am getting at is that even though I lie to them it is because I really do apprecite the concern and don't want them to think I don't care. I know sometimes people realise I have no intention of doing what I say I will (Karen Saturday) but knowing people care about you is nice so I try to be nice back by accepting their advice/concern without dispute!
I bet you are getting the whole rambling theme now!!!

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