Thursday 23 August 2007

Joker woman

Hey! The Joker woman learnt how to put on make-up!!! I saw her in town today and she looked positively normal! Someone must have told her just how stupid she looked (unfortunately not me!).
Wonderful news.... stepped on to the scale this morning and I was 2lbs lighter than at the weekend!!! I have been stuck at the same weight for weeks now, even before I got pregnant with Eoin I was stuck at the same weight and I have finally moved past that so it is all good for the moment!!

Sunday 19 August 2007

Losing the muffin top!

I have been reluctant to blog about this for the last few days because as soon as I do I am making it official. However, something drastic needs to be done and if that means I need to blog about it so it will guilt me into action then so be it! My muffin top (area of flab that hangs over jeans) needs some serious attention. Obviously after having a baby I am going to have this anyway but I would only be lying to myself if I pretended it wasn't there before that so I am now going to address it.

After I had Conor I wanted to lose weight and tone up but knew I wouldn't be happy with just one child so was reluctant to work too hard to shed the pounds knowing I would have to start again after baby number two. Well baby number two is here and I don't see a baby number three in our future so now is the time to get to work.

I have been making excuses a lot lately, not going for walks because of the weather or being too tired or because Eoin won't settle but no more, I am going to get out for a decent walk at least every second night which will also allow Lee to get out for a walk the other nights.

I started doing sit ups the other day and it is sad just how inflexible I have become, I could barely get my head off the ground!!! I am not going to let that stop me though, I am going to persist and maybe in a couple of weeks my shoulders will lift too!!!

I plan to lose at least a stone by Christmas which is a realistic goal at about 1lb a week. Lee is very supportive and wants to do the same which is great because usually we are each others worst enemies in things like this and when one of us gives in to temptation the other falls with them but this time we are going to be stronger and I am going to cleanse the house of all things bad and calorie loaded!!! My task for tomorrow is to clear out the junk press (along with all the other presses - some rearranging needs to be done feel the need to restore order, keeps my mind off sweet things) and rid the house of temptation.

I am not confident or secure enough to disclose my actual weight now but I will post progress reports hopefully regularly as I lose weight and also my bad days so I have to admit to myself when I do things wrong. So here's to losing the muffin top and may it go as well as planned!!!!

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Bad clothes day

Do you know how depressing it is when you go to your wardrobe 4 months after your baby is born and you still have more (and nicer!) maternity tops than actual normal tops? Pretty darn depressing I have to say. I was going out for lunch with a couple of friends today and looking for something to wear when I realised this.
I have purchased a few skirts lately because I have decided I like skirts (long of course cos I hate my legs), they make me feel feminine which is necessary when you live in a house full of boys and spend most of the time in jeans and t-shirts getting food spilled on you at least once a day!! In the end I decided on a dark brown skirt and a beige top(maternity!!!!!) which I thought was fine until some time this afternoon when I looked in the mirror again and realised the colour made me look old and haggard - this could also be due to my being under the weather with a cold and tired a lot lately. Whatever the reason I didn't feel very good about myself.
My biggest problem (and there are many!) is that I seem to find it impossible to buy clothes for myself without feeling guilty. So what usually happens is I buy clothes for Lee, Conor or Eoin or sometimes all three. I don't feel the guilt this way because I am buying for them and not for me. I find it a lot easier to buy for them too because I know what fits them and what will look good on them and don't have to worry about picking up something that won't fit or makes me look fat or shows off all my lovely bulges. Yes, I know there are ways to fix these problems but that takes time and in the mean time I don't want to go on feeling like a pregnant has been so I need to get my act together(and my confidence) and go try on some tops!

Tuesday 14 August 2007

uh uh uh Bok!

My procrastination has reached an all time high, Eoin's room which I started painting about 4 weeks ago is still not finished!!! It is not possible to do it during the day because Conor would want to "help" which doesn't bear thinking about and then in the evenings there is always something else to do or else I am just too tired to face it. At the moment I am suffering with a cold that just makes me want to sleep!!! If only Conor would still take a nap in the afternoon!

I went to the supermarket earlier today with the boys and ended up getting really annoyed. It started when I had parked and got Conor out some woman parked beside me on Eoins side leaving about 2 inches for me to open the door and get him out!!!! Thankfully she realised this before getting out of her car (how she was going to manage that I don't know unless she was made of rubber!) and moved to a different spot allowing me to get Eoin out. Then it started raining and when we were going back to the car was fairly heavy and, guess what, some other eejit had parked similarily close to me!!!!!!! So I had to get Conor to climb in the front out of the rain and wait while I had to climb across Conors car seat to get Eoin into his seat. All the while the drivers door is open and the seat getting wetter and wetter by the minute - it didn't occur to me at the time to close the door after Conor when he got in!!! Strapped Conor in and then put the bags in the passenger seat, leaning across the drivers seat to do so and walloping my head off the door frame! I was so frustrated at this stage I yelled F***, then I brought the trolley back to the trolley bay and went back to the car. As I got in I could hear Conor in the fits of giggles saying "uh, uh, uh BOK!!!" (luckily that is what he thought I said). He laughed at me the whole way home going "uh, uh, uh BOK!!!" and breaking down laughing. Meanwhile my bum was getting soaked from the wet seat. Oh the joys!!

On the up side the stupid driver of the stupid car that was parked 2 stupid inches away from mine heard my expletive as he got into his stupid car. I hope he realised my frustration and anger was directed at him!!!!

Friday 10 August 2007

Four months today!

Eoin, you are four months old today. I have enjoyed this time with you so much and you are such a pleasant child to be around. You always have a smile for me that cheers me up no matter what the weather or my mood.

These four months have passed so quickly, I am glad I have taken so many pictures so at least I can remember when you were tiny. I love how you laugh when I clean under your chin in the bath. I love that you have taken to eating solids like a duck to water and just can't get enough. You are a hungry baby and like to have a full tummy but it helps you sleep 10 hours a night which me and your Daddy really appreciate!!!

Your teething has caused you some discomfort but you get by chewing everything within reach even trying to get both fists into your mouth at the same time. I can barely keep up with you on bibs, they are no sooner on you than they are dripping wet from dribble, but the whole time you manage to keep a bright and cheery demeanor.

I am sorry if you end up with a flat nose from all the times Conor rubs it every day but he can't help it either, he just loves you so much!

I laugh when I put you in your bouncy chair and you start to complain until I remind you that you are fine and just needed a toy to chew. I love that you are so sociable and don't just keep your smiles for me but are willing to share them with anyone who smiles at you. You are already very chatty blabbering non-stop so I am imaging dinner times in years to come when there will be major competition between you and your brother over who can talk the most, and long car journeys will be fun. Conor barely stops talking wherever we are going so if the two of you are talking non stop it will be funny!!

You have a very cheeky look about you a lot of the time and I have a feeling it is a sign of things to come, but you will have some competition in that department!

This is your footprint today at four months (just as well I did it today otherwise your foot wouldn't have fit in the mould!). I never did this with Conor and I am sorry I didn't because it is something I will have forever that shows the size of you when you were small and helpless! I am sure I will wish you still small and helpless at some point later in your life when you have done something you shouldn't have!!! For the moment though, stay being you and we will keep loving you as much as we can and delight in your progress as you make your mark on this world.

All my love

Mum xxx

Tuesday 7 August 2007


When returning from our shopping trip the other day, Conor was sitting in the back with 2 magnetic fishing rods attached to the back of our seats telling us we were the reindeer and he was santa claus. He kept telling us what to say like "its cold" or "we are going fast" etc etc and it was all going great until he got a call from Batman on his bat phone!!! Wouldn't it be great to have that kind of imagination again?!

Sunday 5 August 2007

August bank holiday weekend!

I just love summer in Ireland!! Where else can you have 4 seasons in one day. The plants are all confused at the moment and don't know whether to shed their leaves or sprout new buds!!! It is the August bank holiday weekend which you can usually rely on to be quite nice and it tends to be the one weekend of the summer I always get burnt because Spraoi is on and I spend so much time standing around in town watching the acts that I forget about suncream and get burnt! You would think that I would learn from my mistakes but no, I am not that clever!!! This year however will probably go down as the wettest August bank holiday weekend on record. It has been raining non-stop since about 4pm yesterday and it does not look like it is going to stop any time soon!

So our plans to head in to town and watch some of the performances is going to be scrapped for something a little less damp!

Friday 3 August 2007

Happy Birthday Laura!

My beautiful God-daughter, hope you have a wonderful day!!

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Sleeping and solids

Well it finally happened, he slept through the night and not just till half six/seven like he has done a few times he slept until eight o clock this morning from about nine last night!!!!! He made a lot of shuffling noises between 5 and 6 but wasn't waking up he had just kicked off his blanket so I covered him up and didn't hear from him again until eight!! Apart of course from the odd movement, he moves around nearly as much as his brother, who last night when we were heading to bed looked like he was doing the YMCA dance!! Eoin had started to wake about 4ish during the night the last few nights when he had previously been going to half six seven so yesterday i decided it was time to try solids - I know they are trying to encourage us to go till 6 months before weaning them but I think every child is different and some are quite happy to go along on just bottles or whatever but I knew it was time for him. He didn't hate it either and took quite a good bit for his first attempt! The result - he slept through the night!! I hope it wasn't just a once off!!!
Lee is back in work this week so we are adjusting back again. Eoin is being a bit of a maggot cos he was spoiled when Lee was off having one of us to hold him more than he usually would while now he just gets put in his bouncy chair or on his playmat while I try get stuff done or deal with Conor. He is moaning a lot more than he did before Lee's holidays but he is just going to have to get used to it! Conor is also feeling the change he was getting a lot more attention when Lee was here all day but he is very good and is starting to learn to be more patient.
Well the weather has finally started to improve and we are currently having our third day of sunshine in a row so we are off for a walk so I can try lose some of this weight finally - only seven weeks until I am due to go back to work, gotta get my act together!!