Tuesday 27 November 2007

Old and boring

It is a strange thing that is bothering me right now. I was out with the girls at the weekend and felt a bit like I had outgrown them. They were all very enthusiastic for a mad night out and I found myself very reluctantly being dragged along. I really enjoyed getting together again and we had a nice meal and some wine which was all lovely and I would have been more than happy to go for one or two drinks after that and then head home. Unfortunately that is not what the rest of them had in mind!! We ended up going to a nite club which I left about half one leaving them to their own devices. They stayed there till the death and then headed back to one of the girls houses until the early hours! I'm just not able to keep going any more. I am constantly thinking about the following day and the time I will be wasting if I am tired and hung over and time with my boys always seems more important. Weekends are short enough as it is so why would I want to waste a day eing unable to enjoy my time with them?
I know it sounds like I am old and boring but I just think my priorities are very different from most of theirs right now and they just don't seem to understand that. My idea of a perfect night out is a nice meal and a couple of drinks and home by 12 so I can try get a decent night sleep before Eoin wakes at 6.30. I think it will be staying that way for the forseeable future and I hope my friends can understand when I need to go home early and not see me as old and boring!

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