Monday 12 November 2007

Catch up

Ok, well things have been a bit hectic around here over the last week (but then again when are they not!). Eoin had a few nights of messing when going to bed and taking ages to settle then got a cold which has resulted in nasal drip making him cough - so much that he got sick the other night from coughing, my poor baby, I hate when he is not well in any way, I just wish I could take it away from him. Conor also had a cough which of course we were worried would turn into a chest infection which has happened so many times.

We were heading to Dublin for a 30th Friday and really didn't know whether to leave them or not but Conor got wind of his possible "sleepover" with Grandad and was having none of my suggestions that I stay at home to mind him!!! When I got home from work Friday afternoon and was dropping some of their things into mum's all I got from Conor was "NO!!!!". I think he still wanted to stay with Granny and Grandad!

So we went to Dublin for the 30th anyway and were very glad we did cos it was great craic!! We had a great time - even if Lee's head was complaining a lot the following morning, and it was great to see everyone.

The problem with going anywhere these days even for one night means we are playing catch up for a couple of days to try get back to normal again. I realised today that there is no point trying to get anything done in the afternoons and just to wait until the two boys are in bed at night because I was getting down about things and how I never seemed to be able to do anything but if I just accept that I have to wait until they are down that is ok. Lee and I make a great team and I am really lucky to have him around to help, I really admire single mums because I have no idea how they do it on their own!!!

On a lighter note when out walking this afternoon Conor overheard me talking to Lee on the phone about dinner and repeated to anyone that passed that we were having skins for dinner!! Innocent really but could be interpreted wrongly by the elderly couple that looked strangely at me when he said this!!!

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