Saturday 3 November 2007

Getting there!

Weighed myself this morning and I am only 5lbs away from the stone weight loss I set myself as an initial target. I know it has taken quite a while to get here but all I have really done is cut out the snacking. I haven't had much chance to get out walking lately but plan to start that again next week now that Eoin is fairly reliable about going to bed at night about half eight so I can head after that. Sit ups went totally out the window ages ago!!! I would love to say I will start doing them again but I am not going to do that because I wont feel guilty then when I don't do them!!! Lee has the boys gone for breakfast in Granny's this morning and I really tried to get back to sleep but it just wasn't working for me so I am going to go for a long walk instead!!!
So at least I am still on track for a stone weight loss by Christmas but realistically I will need to lose 2 or 3 extra lbs before Christmas because I always over indulge and will need a bit of leeway.

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