Thursday 22 November 2007

Cranky Pyjamas

I am hitting that wonderful time of the month when everything is sweetness and light and I am constantly happy.......NOT!!! Wow I am so cranky right now I would probably win a fight with a pit bull! Thankfully I have the sense to be a bit objective and at least try to calm down before I say anything - except to Lee of course who will get the brunt of it for the next couple of days(god bless him!) Why is it that it seems like he is deliberately trying to annoy me and says the wrong thing at the worst time. I suppose, to be fair, there isn't really a good time when I am like this and I would probably pick a fight with my toenail if it looked sideways at me so he really has no hope!!!
There was a girl here this morning dropping off a car IN HER PYJAMAS!!!! Where have peoples standards gone?? I know I might leave the house without brushing my hair an odd day and sometimes I will be blissfully unaware that I have baby dribble down my front but I am always dressed! The most shocking part was when she came back to collect it 2 hours later she was still in her pyjamas. I mean, "hello I'm sorry did we make you get out of bed to fix your car?". I just don't understand it at all. And then there are the people who want you to bend over backwards for them and get annoyed with you when you can't. It's not my fault a stone jumped up off the road and hit your windscreen!! Peoples expectations have skyrocketed and they want everything yesterday. We are losing our reputation as a laid back country because of these demands and expectations. I say take it easy and come back tomorrow (you might find me in a better mood!).

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