Sunday 30 December 2007

Christmas cheer!

Well as you can see I have been a bit absent from my blog the last couple of weeks but I do have a valid reason. Our Christmas has been a very housebound one as both the boys have been sick. Conor got it first and was pure miserable on Christmas day. I felt so sorry for him as he didn't enjoy it at all and everything was a drama and caused tears. He is on the mend but still not 100% and still very tired. Eoin also got a bit of what Conor had but then coupled it with the arrival of his first two teeth which caused him a serious amount of distress. He is still suffering and the dribble he is producing teething is causing him to cough and preventing him from sleeping which is preventing Lee and I from sleeping so all in all we have been a bit of an unhappy household this Christmas!!! Poor Eoin was so upset the other night he would only sleep while I held him in my arms and rocked him, so I ended up lying in the bed with him cradled in my arms trying to rock and not fall out of the bed. When I eventually got him settled I left him beside me where he was like a cling on for the night. Every time I moved him over a bit he would be back stuck to me so I spent the night trying to sleep on my side on about six inches of mattress!!! I had some pain in my back the next day!!! During the day Eoin still has cling on tendencies and is rarely off my hip. Unfortunately no one else seems to be good enough and he will only be entertained for a few mins even by Lee(just about long enough for me to run to the loo!). On the plus side I reckon I could take on anyone in an arm wrestling match and win!!!

Christmas was nice if a bit stressful but that was just because the boys were not well. Had they been their usual selves I'm sure we would have enjoyed it. It was lovely to see everyone but every time we met up with family we had to cut our visit short because we needed to get the boys settled, they were just wrecked the whole time and as a result were very cranky so not much fun to be around. We did our best though and tried to see everyone and leave before the boys got too bad.

I am a huge fan of Christmas and feel especially bad for Conor because he really missed out on the excitement of it all. I know he will still get to enjoy his presents now that he is feeling better and he tells me that he had a nice Christmas but I can't help felling that he could have enjoyed it so much more. There will be many more Christmases to come please God and hopefully he will not be sick for those!!!

As proof of my stressed-outness(not a word I know!) I took my first photos today from the entire Christmas season and at that I only took about 3 pictures!!! I just haven't had the time or the inclination - or 2 free hands! It is at times like this that I wish I could clone myself cos 1 Mammy is just not enough!!!!

Hope you all had a brighter Christmas than we did and best wishes to you all for the New Year!!
xx Joey.

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