Thursday 20 December 2007

Christmassy? Really?

As Christmas draws nearer my brain is becoming more and more mush! I like to be organised and have things planned and know what I am getting everyone and have it all wrapped 2 weeks before Christmas but this year I am so all over the place I am starting to crack up. It is having a strange effect on me though, I am kind of cracking up in an unconcerned kind of way! It is all very alien. This is the first year since I met Lee that I don't have a clue what to get him. Usually I come up with something or he will look for something specific but I must be getting sensible in my old age cos I don't want to buy him something for the sake of it, I want to be sure he will use it (or it wont be half price in the sales after Christmas!!!!!).
It doesn't really feel like Christmas yet either but I think that is because I haven't wrapped one present yet! Maybe tonight when my sister gets home from England we will get hyper and it will get Christmassy. Then the real panic will kick in and I will be running around like a headless chicken - ha fun!
I really can't wait for it though, I am dying to see how Conor reacts to his presents, he is the perfect age and the excitement is building daily! Today is his last full day in playschool so we baked some cookies last night for all the kids and he was proud as punch bringing them in this morning. They have been very busy in school making snowmen and stockings and all sorts, the art work is coming home in handfulls daily!! I love it !!!
Photos of our hard work and the recipe will be up later - I promise!
Sugar cookie recipe as promised. Hope you like them!

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