Friday 26 October 2007

The battle continues...

Well I seem to be winning the war - but now that I have said it he will be up half the night!!! Last night when he woke it only took about 20mins to get him back to sleep and he didn't look for bottle until ten to seven this morning. He is also getting used to the idea that when I put him to bed at night it is time to go to sleep and is only moaning for a couple of minutes before he settles. He might just be luring me into a false sense of security though!

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Battle of Wills

Eoin has been trying it on with us the last couple of nights, when he was upset teething I gave in and gave him bottle to settle him but now that he is ok again he is still waking looking for it for comfort so last night I decided to nip it in the bud. It took an hour and a half to get him back to sleep when he woke at half two!!

The thing is once he is in my arms looking around he is totally ok and cheery but as soon as I lie him down in his cot (in his own room finally by the way) he starts to go mental again. I persisted though and won the battle last night so need to get an early night tonight to be ready for our next battle. I will admit I am shattered this morning but we have been down this road before with Conor and hopefully Eoin will be as clever as his brother and learn quickly what the story is. All indications are pointing that way though, he already knows he can play Lee better than me and will get away with more with him. Last night when he was going to bed I put him down and he did his usual moans etc and I went into him a couple of times to settle him again - usually takes 4-5 attempts before he is properly settled, but I got Lee to go in at one point and he went totally nuts, rigid and roaring crying so that Lee would pick him up. I was on my way up the stairs as Lee was coming down with Eoin in his arms and yer man just starts laughing at me as if to say "you should know better that sending him up, he is too easy!". I brought him straight back up and put him back down and he settled very quickly, he can't beat me quite so easily!

His personality is really coming out now though, so far he thinks most things are hilarious and he has a big hearty laugh and a grin that goes from ear to ear. As you can see from above he is also a bit of a messer and will chance his arm with us. He has gorgeous sparkly eyes that light up when he smiles at us and is just the happiest little chappy around!

The battle of wills is continuing into the night at the moment when Eoin wants to get up and have bottle at about 2am which I am totally against and our disagreement took an hour and a half the other night but I think he is getting the message and is going back to sleep quicker the last couple of nights. He still stirs a bit though which means I am up anyway a few times a night so I am still very tired but hopefully this battle wont go on for too long and he will realise - as Conor does, that I am the boss!!!!!

Thursday 18 October 2007

Lost keys

I lost my keys yesterday. My car and house keys on the one set, I had them in order to open the door and I went into the kitchen laden down with bags etc and assume I left them down on the counter as I normally do. When I went to look for them later I couldn't find them but just figured I had misplaced them until later again when I actually started to look for them properly. Lee and I searched the house top to bottom but couldn't find them anywhere so eventually gave up hoping Conor might have moved them somewhere and he would tell us when he got up in the morning. This did not help me rest easy though, I was sick with worry wondering if I had maybe dropped them outside after I had unlocked the door and someone might have picked them up. This caused for not the greatest nights sleep ever with me waking about 20 times wondering if the car would still be there when we got up.

When we did get up I was relieved to see that our car was still there which reassured me that the keys were probably in the house somewhere. Conor however denied any knowledge of their whereabouts so I started to panic again. Got organised anyway and locked up taking laptop and camera with me figuring they were the things we would miss the most (worst case scenario). I put the laptop in the boot but my camera was on the passenger seat so when I got into work I brought it in with me - not wanting to leave it in the car because we have a few travellers staying in the car park (yeah that is nice!).

(Wow I am really making this into a long story when It's not really but I went through so much trauma over it I feel I need to share)

Left my camera in work cos I had put it in a drawer so rang one of the lads to ask him to bring it home with him just in case our unwanted guests decided to see inside our building during the night. (Don't worry I know I am neurotic) So he rang me back a few minutes later to say he had opened the case to have a look at the camera and there on top of my camera were my keys!!! I know I didn't put them there so I asked Conor if he had put them in the case and he said he put them in the computer bag and to go look there for them. Now why couldn't he have told me that this morning????

I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders though. I was so relieved!!!! I can stop imagining some psycho will walk into the house using the key I lost and take all our things. I am dealing with my nuttiness in stages I promise!!!

Tuesday 16 October 2007

My talkers

Conor told me a joke yesterday.....why aren't leopards good at hide and seek? Because they are always spotted!!! He was so dead pan about it too that it took me a second to realise what was going on!! He never stops talking lately and seems to have an opinion on everything, we went for a walk the other day and the whole time he had a running commentary going on everything we passed. He is also starting to ask questions about everything, Lee and I have been discussing how we are going to have to start looking up wikipedia or something to get answers for him. The other day we were passing a bridge when the tide was out and he wanted to know where the water was gone. How do you explain to a 3 year old about the tide?? I know we are going to have our work cut out for us and so far Eoin seems to be a bit of a talker too making noises all the time so when the two of them are talking together it is going to be great fun!!!

Sunday 14 October 2007


Photos as promised for now, will try write something later.

Tuesday 9 October 2007


Don't tell anyone but I never brushed my hair this morning!!!!! Too busy running around the house trying to get organised and then I couldn't find my keys and we were late again. It only dawned on me just now about my hair. That is the reality of having kids!

Sunday 7 October 2007

First week down

One week down and it didn't go too bad at all. I think Conor has resigned himself to having to go to school some days and we haven't had too many arguments over it this week. He was very happy this morning though when I told him he didn't have to go to school!! I am getting very good at talking school up and my voice goes up an octave in my pretend excitement! I think next week we will be baking cookies one afternoon to bring in the next day which will be a big treat! This week it was grapes for the fruit break they take in the morning so we will go down the not so healty route next week.

Work for me hasn't been too bad, my kinda demotion has made things a lot easier for me especially when it is quiet like it has been this week. It already feels like I never left and my brain is starting to kick in again and I am starting to remember codes again. The other guy in the office is on holidays for the next 2 weeks though so I'm sure I will be tearing my hair out by the end of that!

Both the boys are keeping us on our toes these days what with Eoin teething and keeping us up at night and Conor back to his coughing and colds again. Have to watch him like a hawk cos he keeps getting chest infections when he gets colds so need to get on top of it straight away to try stop it getting any worse.

I am sooooo tired right now and my back aches. Poor Eoin just wants to be comforted which means holding him a lot and I weighed him this morning, he is nearly 20 pounds!!! Just about to hit six months and an absolute buster! I think Conor was longer and grew out of babygros quicker because his legs and feet wouldn't fit in them but Eoin just really fills everything out. He has big thunder thighs and is just real solid, definitely going to have the build of his dad and his uncles!

Posts will probably be less regular while I start to get into a routine so apologies if they are few and far between but do keep checking as I will post as often as I can. Pics of boys in next one!

Monday 1 October 2007

First day back

I was reserving judgement on my first day back until I collected the boys because no matter how good or bad my day in work went a lot depended on how my mum got on with the boys today. Thankfully all seemed to go well and the stress I have been feeling for the last week is finally lifting.

Work was grand, nothing has changed there really except I have been kind of demoted into an easier less stressful role which at first I wasn't sure if I was happy about but now I think I am quite pleased as it means I have less to do and don't have to think about work when I leave. Before I started my maternity leave I was starting to get quite stressed about certain elements of my job and felt I was under qualified and needed training in some areas and now that is not something I have to worry about anymore. The money is still the same so I can see no problems. It also helped that it was very quiet today so I was eased in gradually. It will take a bit of time to get back into it though because my job involves a lot of codes that can be easily confused or written down wrong so I am triple checking everything for the time being. If they would only stop bringing out new models of cars with different mirror bases and anti glare or heated or rain sensored windscreens my job would be an awful lot easier!

I really thought today would be a lot worse than it was and I thought I would be upset because I have been very emotional the last few days - attended funeral of family friend at weekend(whole other story) coupled with time of the month does not make for happy Joey! but thankfully I was grand and the day didn't drag too much!!

Tomorrow is another story though, I have to drop Eoin to mums then Conor to Playschool which I don't think Conor will be too happy about so we will see how that goes!!
I will resort to bribery if necessary!!!!