Monday 1 September 2008

His First Day!!!!

Well the day has finally arrived when Conor starts "Big School" and all in all I have to say it went well. Amazingly I didn't shed any tears - although there was one moment of weakess when my maternal instinct kicked in while talking to his teacher(OMG he has a teacher!) when I could feel myself welling up and I had to stop myself but apart from that I held my composure well. Conor was nonplussed by it all and I think he was wondering why I was hanging around!! When we collected him he said he liked it there so that seems to be positive. I really hope he does enjoy it and is one of those kids that runs in to school every morning and hardly looks back - I can only hope.

Anyway here he is in his uniform...

Yes that is Eoin beside him and yes he is only 17 months!

I know it is one of those days that can be very hard for parents and children but some mothers just need to let go!!!!! There was one woman who did not want to go and not because her child was upset but because she was upset!

Tired now, have had half a bottle of prosecco - my new favourite, and I am just about ready for bed. I don't know about Conor but I feel drained from the day!

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