Sunday 31 August 2008

School and going out

Wow, I hadn't realised how long it has been since I blogged! Time has really flown! Things have been busy in the Mac house as Conor starts "Big School" tomorrow!
Now, I know I am an emotional person at the best of times so I am not expecting to be able to keep myself from crying tomorrow but today I am so anxious and worried about how he will get on. Is he really ready? Will he make new friends? Will he get upset? etc etc. I'm sure it is normal for mothers to feel like this, but I just find it so hard to concentrate today! I think Conor is only pretend excited cos he told me this morning he didn't want to go. Probably a side effect of Lee and I having been off all week so lots of spending time together and playing and I'm sure he will miss it next week (or at least I hope so or we are doing something wrong!).
I still have to label and cover his books today so I better get organised soon.
What have we been up to...
Well, we have done up Conor's room Transformers style. He decided that is what he wanted so we got wall stickers and bedding and curtains(which still have to be lined and put up!) My sister painted a flame on one wall like the flames on Optimus prime and her and I have drawn a big rig on aother wall which I still have to paint but it is a work in progress (probably eternally).
We tried to go out last night but kids know when you want to go anywhere, and we were about ten yards from the pub when my sister (the babysitter) rang to say Eoin had just got sick all over himself and the cot so we promptly turned around and headed back home. So we sat on the couch and had a drink and I was practically asleep by 11 o'clock! Some mad night we had!!!

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