Sunday 21 September 2008

29 Again!

Ok, well today is my 31st birthday and I have had a lovely day! As you may have noticed I tend to be a bit on the emotional side and have a tendency to cry on birthdays but not this year!!
I decided not to go out for a meal but instead last night we took a visit to Chez Mac's which turned out to be wonderful, we had deep fried brie to start, char grilled Fillet steak for main and apple and toffee cake for dessert, a lovely bottle of wine and it all came in under €35. A bit of a difference from our last meal out which came to about €120!! We both thoroughly enjoyed the night and there was no rushing around getting the boys ready or stressing about whether they were ok, we just waited till they were asleep to get started and were sitting down eating out starter by twenty to nine.
Conor has had 3 weeks in Big School now and is settling in well. He does have a little moan in the mornings about not wanting to go to school but once he gets there he is fine. I think he is enjoying it but it is hard to know as he doesn't tell us much. When I asked him the other day to tell me what he did in school he replied "Can I just tell you some cos it's really long?"
Eoin has decided he likes to wake at about 6am now which is just peachy!!! How well he decides that when the mornings are darker and the weather colder!! I think I am just going to have to adjust to it and start getting up earlier because he is having none of going back to sleep for a while! Which is why I am about to go to bed and try get a good night sleep!

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