Thursday 31 January 2008


I had my second class of Salsa Slims tonight which I enjoyed although I still hardly broke a sweat. The instructor showed us the step she is going to teach us next week though and it looks quite energetic!!
The class goes well until there is a water break when my billy no mateness stands out like a sore thumb!!! I stand there praying for someone to talk to me all the while trying to look totally blazé about it all and that I am there alone and that doesn't bother me!!! My neediness to be liked and accepted constantly fighting with my need to not look needy. It is hard work!!!!
I did however manage to talk to someone at the end so who knows at the end of the 10weeks I might even have swapped names with someone!!!
What is mad is how many people in the class I have never seen before who obviously live in the town. You get used to the idea you live in a small town but as it expands and is used more and more as a suburb of Waterford city there are a lot of people living here that didn't grow up here or isn't a friend of a friend of a friend.

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