Thursday 31 January 2008


I had my second class of Salsa Slims tonight which I enjoyed although I still hardly broke a sweat. The instructor showed us the step she is going to teach us next week though and it looks quite energetic!!
The class goes well until there is a water break when my billy no mateness stands out like a sore thumb!!! I stand there praying for someone to talk to me all the while trying to look totally blazé about it all and that I am there alone and that doesn't bother me!!! My neediness to be liked and accepted constantly fighting with my need to not look needy. It is hard work!!!!
I did however manage to talk to someone at the end so who knows at the end of the 10weeks I might even have swapped names with someone!!!
What is mad is how many people in the class I have never seen before who obviously live in the town. You get used to the idea you live in a small town but as it expands and is used more and more as a suburb of Waterford city there are a lot of people living here that didn't grow up here or isn't a friend of a friend of a friend.

Tuesday 29 January 2008

Fruit and chocolate cake

Listening to, reading and watching all of the lose weight programmes that are going on right now I realise I am afraid to do what a lot of them suggest and write down what I am actually eating every day and analysing it. I know it is the every day small decisions that make a difference but I find I have difficulty making those decisions. Some days I don't have to make those decisions because I am too busy between one thing and another but the days when I am bored or hanging around I tend to eat more just for something to do. I need to keep a constant supply of low fat (appetising) snacks that I can have and not worry about the calories!! Apart from fruit I find that quest quite difficult! While I like fruit it can get bit boring and also expensive in a country that sees more rain than sun. I need inspiration to stop me eating crap!!!

And then I go and bake a chocolate cake - HA! Conor helped!

Friday 25 January 2008

Salsa dancing!

The battle of the bulge has been a bit stuck in no mans land lately but I had my first Salsa Slims class last night so hopefully that will get things moving again. It was good fun even if I was a bit of a billy no mates but I signed up for it to help me get in shape, not to socialise! The weather is starting to improve a bit and the evenings are getting a little bit brighter so I am also hoping to get out and about a bit more. Now that the boys are feeling well again we should be able to get out walking in the afternoons too and get Conor out on his bike.
Eoin is finally getting back to sleeping through the night now that he is over all his troubles. At nearly 10months he has yet to attempt to crawl and seems to have no interest in starting either! He sits up and goes around in circles on his bum. He loves to try walk with my support but I find it a bit back-breaking so it doesn't last too long. Mind you, I am not in too much of a hurry to get him moving because I just know he will be into everything!!!
So the diet starts Monday again with a vengence cos we are going out for a meal tomorrow night so all diet plans are off until after that!

Thursday 24 January 2008

More pyjama update...

I know I am not alone in thinking it is not right to go out in the middle of the day in your pyjamas and I don't mean to harp on about it but seriously, another girl arrived into where I work today to collect her car IN HER PYJAMAS!!!!
I think we should start a petition to ban pyjama wearing outdoors. Or, maybe it was decided that it is the new fashion and I just missed the memo!

Friday 18 January 2008

I spoke too soon!!!!

I knew I should have said nothing!! Both the boys have been sick this week, Conor has tonsilitis and Eoin has bronciolitis (no idea if either of them is spelt properly!). Conor is well on the mend now but poor Eoin is having a hard time with it. The worst is the cough that is making him sick, he is finding it very hard to settle and is pretty much glued to my hip during the day but hopefully we are getting to a point where he might be getting over it (fingers crossed!!)
One of these days I will be able to blog without it involving one of us being sick!!!

Thursday 10 January 2008

I'm baaaaackk!!!!!

I'm back on form and the camera is out again!!!

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Health update

I dare not speak too soon but I think we are all finally getting over our sicknesses!!!! After the boys got over theirs Lee and I both got doses and we are only now starting to feel normal again. The two boys are in great form and back to their usual mischievous selves. Eoin is getting used to his 2 new teeth and using them to test the chewability of anything he can get his hands on! (see below) Conor, meanwhile is still complaining about going to play school and I have finally run out of bribes and incentives!

As you can imagine with all this sickness comes a very boring life and I have been too worn out to even think about things to blog about. I'm sure there are a whole lot of things that have annoyed me over the past few weeks but my brain is still a bit mushy after all the medication I have been on so I can't think of anything to write! (Well that was a bit of a waste of webspace and energy!!!)

Better use of space and energy is some pictures of the boys enjoying some of their Christmas presents...

Will write more when the mush subsides!