Thursday 20 November 2008

My prerogative!

Men just don't get it!

Now, don't get me wrong, they love their children very much and hate to see them upset but they don't understand.
They don't understand when you drop your toddler off at creche and he clings to you screaming, the pain you get in your chest that makes it difficult to breath. The constant worry headache you suffer because you can't think of anything else. The tears that come unbidden when someone asks how you are (or pass the sugar or anything for that matter!).

In case you haven't guessed, Eoin just started in creche! He is not taking to it too well at the moment but it is only week one. I think what upsets me the most - and boy am I upset, I am getting bleary eyed just writing this - is that he is usually such a happy smiley child that is full of cheer and he has spent most of his time in creche crying or moaning. I hate that they can't see what he is really like and that he can't be his usual happy self. I'm sure after another week he will have accepted the situation and hopefully he will come to enjoy it and then they will all see the real Eoin.

For now, though, I am trying to overcompensate when he is at home and give him as many cuddles as I possibly can and while he is clingy to me I need it as much as he does. I need the reassurance that he still loves me even though I abandon him to strangers in the morning.

Irrational? Definitely, but I'm a woman, that's my prerogative!!!

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