Monday 24 November 2008

Embarrassing Illness!

As I may have mentioned once or twice (or several times) before I am a bit of an emotional fish. A fact that was very much highlighted today in work much to my utmost embarrassment!!!
When dealing with a fairly difficult customer on the phone today I ended up unable to speak because I was starting to cry!! Now, the customer on the phone was not really giving out to me or anything, we had a bit of a disagreement but nothing that I wouldn't usually be able to handle but for some reason it left me a blubbering mess today!!!!
I got off the phone and Alan in the office with me asked what he said and I had to turn my back and take several deep breaths before I could even speak. I felt like such a fool, there was nothing wrong with me just so emotional and tired from the last couple of weeks with Eoin and the boys were up half the night between one thing and another so all I needed was a trigger.
Oh the joys of it!!!!

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