Sunday 27 April 2008

Long break

Well, we went on our first Family holiday last week to Portugal and I was not too sure how it would go but thankfully it all went ok in the end. There were a couple of things that put us off in the beginning but once we got over that we all got on with enjoying it.

First off it rained for 3 days when we got there but we didn't let that get us down too much and went shopping but unfortunately there is not one decent toy shop to be found in portugal and our promise to Conor to buy him a ben 10 toy became quite impossible to fulfill so we pawned him off with crap toys until we got home and he got the toy he wanted.

Conor also had bad hay fever which we hadn't thought was a problem until now but then we haven't had a decent summer in 3 years so how would we know?! His tonsils swelled up and I thought the poor kid was going to get tonsilitis on his holidays!

Lee had some issues with being with us all 24/7 and him and Conor had quite a few clashes - Conor of course being very moany with not feeling too good didn't help things.

Also, we found the resort a bit disapointing as Lee's brother had been there before and had told us about the kids play areas and we were looking forward to spending time playing in the water around there but they were doing a lot of work in that part of the hotel and these areas were not in use. Now, the weather like I said wasn't great the first few days but it really got nice in the second half of the week and we did get to sit by the pool on a few occassions - all be it never for very long and definitely not for swimming (the pool wasn't heated), but the kiddies pool was nice enough.

It was definitely a learning curve and while at the start of the week with the bad weather and Conor not feeling well we were both swearing we would never go on holidays again, by the end of it I think we changed our minds and would definitely consider going back.

Eoin was an absolute star the whole time, he was great on the flight, slept pretty good the whole time we were away with no teething problems and loved being in shorts and barefoot. He was trying to pull off his jumper when I put it on him yesterday - I think he likes short sleeves, hopefully we will get some nice weather so he will get more use out of his t-shirts and shorts.

Both of them still white (as am I mostly) but I would hate for them to get sun burnt so slapped on the suncream constantly!

Definitely on e of the highlights was our trip to Zoomarine, a water theme park with a dolphin show and aquarium. The dolphins were absolutely amazing!

So, all in all a good time was had (eventually) by all. I think we will go again now that have done it once we are a lot wiser and would hopefully be able to make it easier on ourselves the next time.

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