Thursday 10 April 2008

Happy Birthday Eoin!!!!

Well my baby is 1 year old today! It has been a wonderful and very fast year. This day last year I was staring down in wonder at the beautiful new born baby I had just delivered into this world and today I am staring down in bewilderment at the nutcase that is the centre of our worlds (as is his brother). I am so happy that we have him in our lives, he is such a happy bundle of joy that he improves all of our lives just by being there. It hasn't all been easy, he suffered from colic early on which was tough on him and us, I felt so helpless and my heart broke for him every evening when he would get a bout of it. After that things were pretty good, just the odd cold or cough and a couple of chest infections over the winter but he kept smiling through it all. His teeth have caused him quite a lot of pain but he is still easily distracted and never is a smile or giggle far away.
He has learned a lot in his first year and true to his rogueish character delights in finding ways to get up to mischief. His favourite past time these last few days is opening drawers and presses and pulling everything out! Drawer locks are being purchased this weekend!!! I have finally got him to start giving me kisses which he finds hilarious and leans in with a big open mouth.

All in all I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed Eoin's first year and I truly hope he has enjoyed it too!!

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