Friday 8 February 2008

Finally made it!

It's official! I finaly reached my 1 Stone weight loss! It has taken a good bit longer than I had initially hoped with those last couple of pounds hanging on for weeks but I have finally reached it! I am delighted but afraid to weigh myself again in case the scales made a mistake!! It's really nice to hear people complimenting me on my weight loss and everyone seems to notice but all I kept thinking was I haven't lost any weight in weeks!

Had Salsa again last night, it's getting complicated now! Turns and all sorts! No friends forthcoming yet though!

Been trying to get a picture of Eoin's two teeth to put up but he keeps moving so they are all coming out blurry. Here is the best of what I have got until I can get a better shot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done.