Sunday 10 February 2008

Country life...

We went out for a few drinks last night while my Dad graciously babysat (thanks Dad!). We had a lovely night, few games of pool (I won but I'm not bragging or anything!) and a few drinks in our local - which of course isn't really local but it is the pub we tend to end up in when we just want to go for a couple, also a good place to watch the rugby.
It would not be the liveliest spot in town and when we arrived at 9pm there were only 2 others in the bar. After our games of pool we sat up at the bar, now, it was still very quiet only about 8-10 people, when the barman walked out the front door leaving the till wide open and was gone for about 5 mins. This could really only happen in Ireland!!! Then there were the 3 ladies that came in and sat down chatting before even ordering a drink and stayed sitting there until the barman went over to get them their drinks. Now while table service is common in a lot of places it would not be a regular occurance in a small town like this. The barman was gas, he said they would just sit there all night gabbing if he hadn't gone over!
We spent the night just laughing in disbelief at the small town lifestyle that we love so much!

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