Wednesday 6 June 2007

Speaking out!

I have been so busy the last few days that I have barely had time to formulate my thoughts let alone post them! Good news is I got a dress! Not the one I liked in the first place but we knew that would happen! Speaking of, when I was in town trying on the dress with my very inquisitive 3 year old he happily anounced "Mammy, you naked! why you naked?" at the top of his voice while I was trying to change back into my clothes!
Wouldn't you love to be a kid again and just say what you are thinking and not have to worry about the consequences? I would love to have a free day where I could go around to people and say the things I am thinking of and not have to worry about offending people or getting slapped!!! Like 'Oh don't mind me you ignorant cow' to the woman who nearly ran through me trying to get to the clearance rail in Wallis. Or to tell the woman I see walking around town wearing way too much make up that she looks like the joker in Batman! Of course there are also the people who stop right in front of you for a chat and take up the whole footpath totally oblivious that they are in anyones way, or the parents driving along with their child roaming free in the backseat not strapped in or anything and the cocky teenagers who think it is their god given right to take up doorways or paths and would never dream of getting out of anybody's way! Ooh and ignorant sales staff - there is no need to be rude to me because you hate your job! I don't have issues, honest!! That is just the tip of the iceberg, I think I would need a week cos I wouldn't get everything said in a day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...