Saturday 26 May 2007

Progress report...

By the end of day one (below) we had managed to clear the area and start the hard process of trying to level the area. From our previous days experience I knew the ground was hard and full of crap so thought it might be difficult and I wasn't wrong!! Some of the stones we found were massive!

Unfortunately, day two didn't go so well. Eoin was not co-operating and hardly slept all day so we didn't get as much done as I had hoped. I also had the lady from the baptismal team calling in the afternoon which meant I had to tidy up a bit and get changed - mud encrusted pants not a good look this season! Of course Eoin decided that would be a good time to pooh and while changing him he wee'd and got his clothes all wet so he had to be changed . Thankfully she arrived late and it was calm and peacful when she got here (thanks Martha and Nici). Five minutes earlier and she would have thought she was entering a mad house!!!

We did manage to get the first few slabs laid though and I realised just how uneven the footpath is!! My plan was to have the patio level with the footpath which was grand for the first slab but when we leveled the second slab against the first, the path was no longer in line and it just got worse with each one we did!

Conor was a great help throughout making sandcastles and pictures in the sand and jumping up and down trying to dig up the clay. He is thoroughly enjoying the experience, especially when Nici came to help and spent most of the time just playing with Conor so he was delighted!

Hoping to get a bit more done today (children permitting!) so will post updated photos as we go.

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