Monday 26 May 2008


My computer has been acting up a bit lately so every time I sit down to try write a post it crashes and I spend the next hour trying to figuire out what caused the problem and never get around to posting! So, apologies for the lack of anything here!

Conor and I went to the primary school he will be going to in September today fo a bit of an induction. He got to go around all the classrooms and see where he might be sitting etc. It's all a bit mad to think he will be starting school in September!!!

I have just been kicked off the computer so Conor can play Ben 10 games!!!!!!

Friday 9 May 2008

Still number one!

I was getting worried, Conor has had an imaginary girlfriend for a while now and does comment on how prettysome girls are and all that but he told me the other day that when he is big he is going to marry me!! Phew! I am still number one in his books!